Mobile technology is the greatest thing since sliced bread! I down loaded two free apps and took a good look at them.
Baby Flash Cards is a great way to have mobile flash cards. Many of the reviews were disappointed that it doesn't have sound. However, I have found that having sound is not always essential. Think about using the device in a noisy setting. If you don't have headphones the sound can be inaudible anyway. This particular apps appears to have very clear images that are not too over-whelming for each category. Simple is best!
ABC Tracing is a terrific program not only for tracing letters but for visual tracking and fine motor skills. Sometimes the goal is NOT to trace the letter, but just to follow a line with the index finger. A wonderful feature is the ability to change the color or texture of the line you are drawing. On an iPad, the letters would be so big and fun to trace.
I use several apps on my iphone (that I paid for) during the school year. Their purpose is to entertain and teach at the same time. Most of the time I need to use an app if there is "wait time" that exceeds a student's personal wait time. Allowing them to "play" an educational app on my phone makes the situation so much easier and less stressful for all. Unfortunately, ipads or itouchs will NOT be used in my classroom independently. All students will require supervision. However, I do see them as a fun way to reinforce concepts and language skills.
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