What I wouldn't give for a PLN for special educators in our district. We all have basically the same software, hardware, and equipment. However, not all of us are adept at using what we are given. It takes so much time to learn software and to get BEYOND the basics. An online learning community would allow an open dialogue for everyone to add their thoughts and ideas.
Utilizing the new Activboard with Activinspire, Boardmaker, and Power Point is a PERFECT example. No one in the tech department could answer my questions about using boardmaker with the Activboard. I burned many hours playing around with the software and flip charts until I got a working model. Everyone that sees our interactive "morning circle" loves it.....BUT....I know there has to be a more effective way to do some of the activities. That is where brainstorming through a PLN would be invaluable.
Another example for a topic is Augmentative Communication and Devices available through the district. It would be so helpful to read chronicles of how children are doing with certain devices. What low tech and high tech strategies are other teachers using and how are they being implemented?
Am I getting off topic?...on my soap box? Pardon me!
Thoughts about commenting on other blogs....Be kind, be helpful, be supportive
credits: image @ imagechef.com
You bring up a valid point about why creating PLNs for teachers is so necessary. Think about the amount of time we all spend looking for helpful resources, etc. PLNs will allow us to work as a community and build a reservoir of knowledge and resources.